Indeed, over-consumption of alcohol is problematic for everyone in their professional and personal life. But the worst part is that the person crossing the line may find it normal as constant consumption has normalised the feelings of being under influence.

Do you know exactly how it feels when a near and dear one gets addicted to alcohol? Is someone in your circle suffering from the same situation as well? You must be looking for ways to check the severity, aren’t you?

In this post, you will find some red flags, which are the warning signs of alcoholism. Furthermore, you will learn the importance of an alcohol test for an alcoholic person.

13 bottles of beer on the wall

Behavioural Change

Every addicted person finds privacy where they can hide so no one can stop them from whatever they are doing. Therefore, the first change you may notice is that the alcohol-addicted person will cut off socially. Many new addictions are characterised by isolation.

Crossing the Permissible Range

If you are sitting in a bar or enjoying a party, you need to count your glasses. For men, the permissible range of daily drinking is 4-5 glasses of alcohol, whereas women should not consume more than three glasses.

Exceeding the limit can be problematic. But, an alcohol abuser will consume more glasses of alcohol than the normal range. 

You will feel shocked after knowing that some addicts can drink even more than two bottles of alcohol per day.


Alcohol directly acts on the central nervous system of the human body. Therefore, there will be no adverse impact on the brain if you drink within the permissible limit.

But if someone crosses the line, it will be difficult for them to stand and walk properly. The state of unconsciousness is an alarming sign that a person is drunk.

The worst part is that the abuser won’t stop drinking even after losing control over the senses until they get blacked out.

pink panther lying on street bench surrounded by alcohol bottles

Reduction in Efficiency

Consequences of alcohol consumption are getting late to the office, having a bundle of pending files on the office table, and laziness while performing the tasks.

Alcohol abusers find it challenging to manage their jobs due to their long-term and short-term memory issues. If you come to your office with last night hungover, you cannot give your best shot in such a condition.

Severe Medical Conditions

A person struggling with alcoholism has to face medical conditions and social and professional problems.

If you suffer from nausea, vomiting, headache, or high blood pressure, it may indicate that you should quit drinking.

Furthermore, pale skin, fever, bloating and abdominal pain are signs of alcoholic hepatitis. Cirrhosis and alcoholic hepatitis are also prevalent conditions for an alcohol-addicted person.

Disturbed Sexual Life

If your partner has changed your bedroom into a bar, how could you imagine having a happy sexual life? The addicted persons have only one concern in their lives: that is all about alcohol bottles. 

Increased alcohol intake may lead to physical health problems. These include performance issues in the bedroom. It may lead to erectile dysfunctionality and even a loss of interest in the partner. There is also an increased chance to cheat on your partner when under the influence. 

Final Comments

Always remember, there is light at the end of every dark tunnel. Treatment of alcoholism is possible with commitment and control of yourself. An alcohol test will help figure out the severity of the problem. Then, if you wish to consult a rehabilitation centre, they will ask you for the report before starting the treatment.

three signs on fence stating "dont give up" "you are not alone" "you matter"

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